Huge Ganeshaगणेश Statue at busy crossing in front of Salatiga Police Head Quarter, Jalan (Street) Osamaliki , Salatiga , Central Java , Indonesia. Ganeshaगणेश is shown here sitting on PADMASANAपदमासन Lotus Flower with the soles of His feet pressed together.This Asana is Typical Indonesian variant of Ganesha Asana which is rarely found any where in Asia. His fan - shaped ears are also an Indonesian variant .
Indonesian version of Ganesha is unlike Indian version where SKULLS are used as embellishments and Ganesh idol is depicted here with skulls ornaments which is a JAVANESE (जवनीस) conception. This is due to Ganesh's association with Shiv who wears a garland of skulls in his Bhairava (भैरव) Avatar.
Stone inscription at the base of Ganesha Stature which is in Javanese.
It reads "For the memories of All former Students and Students of Armed Fighters , inaugurated on 26th August 1989 by Mr. L.B. Moerdani , Minister of Security and Defense , Republic of Indonesia" .
Larger view of the Police Headquarter Entrance Gate at busy crossing. It was very difficult to capture full view due to heavy traffic.
Sceneric view of Entrance gate ...

The top of both pillars have stone sculpture. The Security Guard at the entrance told me that it is "Kecil Ganesha" (Small Ganesha)बाल गणेश
Just below the Kecil Ganesha there is another stone sculpture on both the pillars of Lotus flower bud Symbolic of Purity.
I took 2 very interesting pictures below.
This is the banner of a roadside eating joint called in Indonesia Language "Warung Makan" (Dhabaढाबा) . Indonesians are so much fascinated by Lord Ganesha that the owner named his warung after GANESHAगणेश , selling Mie (Noodles) Ayam (Chicken) Bakso (Meat ball) and Iced Tea n Lemon.
I found one Apotek (Medical Store) named after Ganeshaगणेश .